Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Vietnam Horse

I know this article isnt about cars but hey we are studying the Vietnam war and i thought it would be cool to blogg about an important piece of equipment used in the conflict. The Bell UH-1 series Iroquois, better known as the "Huey", began arriving in Vietnam in 1963. Before the end of the conflict, more than 5,000 of these versatile aircraft were introduced into Southeast Asia. "Hueys" were used for MedEvac, command and control, and air assault, to transport personnel and materiel, and as gun ships. Considered to be the most widely used helicopter in the world, with more than 9,000 produced from the 1950s to the present, the Huey is flown today by about 40 countries. It was an essential piece of machinery during the Vietnam war and was used in the film We Were Soldiers that we watched. Its seen as a symbol of the Vietnam war.


  1. I'm so glad that you decided to make an article about this extremely iconic and important machine. I personally love everything about the Huey: its look, the sound that it makes- everything about it was just right. It certainly is most iconic hellicopter ever built, and I think that the fact that it is still being flown around the world shows just how versatile and reliable this machine was, and why it was so important in the Vietnam War.

  2. Great connection to our class activities. I am not a war junkie but I have always wanted to learn more about the technical aspects of the weaponry.

  3. This is a wonderful machine and Army Vets will tell you that this helicopter makes a distinct noise as its two rotors slap the air. At first I was unable to hear this distinct sound but now whenever one of these "horses" flies over me I can call out what kind of helicopter before I even look up to see it. This is the only helicopter that I am familiar with but I thought I would share this.
