Monday, March 1, 2010

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

Working on my 79 Trans Am Firebird is my passion. Its hard, dirty, and stressful work that requires precision and a massive amount of guesswork. It gets annoying when im working on what I call "The Bird" and as im fixing something another thing goes wrong. But the great thing is that I can even work on the Bird in the first place because of its old 400 V-8 that is easy to fix and has very little electronics and complicated belt systems like modern cars do. She’s old but powerful and great to work on. Its brought me closer to my car because I know its every inch and how "The Bird" works. Its incredible to be able to work on something that’s way older than me and see it back on the streets. Its hard though because like my dad says when I work on The Bird its always "One step forward, two steps back." Meaning that when i fix one part, another breaks. Its a stressful process but i love it.

1 comment:

  1. I am very glad to see that you posted a blog about your car. I think it is very important to have a car to work on so that you can have the credibility of actually knowing about cars. I think that having this car is very unique because you don't see this car often. Since the engine on this car is loud I don't think people are going to have a problem with noticing the car. What you have to keep in mind is that all the work that you put in this car just helps you form a bond with it. I know it has been tough trying to get it street ready but, as you know, it's so worth it. I know from experience that this car is fun to ride in but personally I am a little scared of it. I feel like if something were to happen to it, it would be devastating. But keep up your good work on this car and I hope to see you driving it to school soon.
